Yığınlanabilir Aggregation Switch L3 CLR-S9300-xx Serisi

İletişime Geçiniz Yığınlanabilir Aggregation Switch L3 CLR-S9300-xx Serisi


Anahtarlama Kapasitesi480Gbps640Gbps1.28Tbps
Paket İletim Kapasitesi (IPv4/IPv6)360Mpps480Mpps960Mpps
Hafıza ve Depolama512MB DDR2 SDRAM Memory ve 16MB FLASH512MB DDR2 SDRAM Memory ve 16MB FLASH512MB DDR2 SDRAM Memory ve 16MB FLASH
Yedeklilik Dizaynı1+1 hot-swap redundant power1+1 hot-swap redundant power1+1 hot-swap redundant power
Güç KaynağıAC:100~240V DC: 36~72VAC:100~240V DC: 36~72VAC:100~240V DC: 36~72V
Güç TüketimiFull-load ≤120WFull-load ≤125WFull-load ≤125W
Boyut (W x D x H)437mm*360mm*44mm437mm*360mm*44mm437mm*408mm*44mm
Çalışma Sıcaklığı -10℃~50℃ -10℃~50℃ -10℃~50℃
Bağıl nem10%~90%10%~90%10%~90%




24Port 10GE SFP+ Smart Routing Switch Layer3


24Port 10GE SFP + 2Port 40GE QSFP Smart Routing Switch Layer3


48Port 10GE SFP + 4Port 40GE QSFP Smart Routing Switch Layer3


AC Power Module 180W 220V


DC Power Module 180W -48V


Adjustable speed fan module-12V power supply



L2 featuresMAC128K MAC address
MAC Black Hole
Port MAC Limit
Source MAC filtration
VLAN4K VLAN entries
Port-based/MAC-based/IP subnet-based VLAN
Port-based QinQ and Selective QinQ (StackVLAN)
1:1 and N:1 VLAN
VLAN Swap and VLAN Remark
PVLAN to realize port isolation and saving public-vlan resources
Spanning tree protocolIEEE 802.1D Spanning Tree Protocol (STP)
IEEE 802.1w Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP)
IEEE 802.1s Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol instances (MSTP)
Remote loop detecting
BPDU protection
Root protection
RRPP ring topology
RRPP instance
PortBi-directional bandwidth control
Static link aggregation and LACP(Link Aggregation Control Protocol)
Port mirroring and traffic mirroring
Security featuresUser’s securityAnti-ARP-spoofing
IP Source Guard create IP+VLAN+MAC+Port binding
Port Isolation
MAC address binds to port and port MAC address filtration
IEEE 802.1x and AAA/Radius authentication
Device securityAnti-DOS attack(such as ARP,Synflood, Smurf, ICMP attack), ARP detection, worm and Msblaster worm attack
SSHv2 Secure Shell
SNMP v3 encrypted management
Security IP login through Telnet
Hierarchical management and password protection of users
Network securityUser-based MAC and ARP traffic examination
Restrict ARP traffic of each user and force-out user with abnormal ARP traffic
Dynamic ARP table-based binding
IP+VLAN+MAC+Port binding
L2 to L7 ACL flow filtration mechanism on the 80 bytes of the head of user-defined packet
Port-based broadcast/multicast suppression and auto-shutdown risk port
URPF to prevent IP address counterfeit and attack
DHCP Option82 and PPPoE+ upload user’s physical location
Plaintext authentication of OSPF、RIPv2 and BGPv4 packets and MD5 cryptograph authentication
IP routingIPv4ARP Proxy
DHCP Relay
DHCP Server
Static route
Strategy route
Route policy
IPv6MLD Snooping
IPv6 telnet
DHCPV6 Snooping
IPv6 Web management
DHCPv6 relay/Server/client
Static route
Service featuresACLStandard and extended ACL
Time Range ACL
Rate-limit on sending and receiving packet on port
Packet redirection
Port-based flow-control
Two-speed three-color CAR
Packet filter providing filtering based on source/destination MAC address, source/destination IP address, port, protocol, VLAN, VLAN range, MAC address range, or invalid frame
Packet filtration of L2~L7 even deep to 80 bytes of IP packet head
QoSRate-limit to packet sending/receiving speed of port or self-defined flow and provide general flow monitor and two-speed tri-color monitor of self-defined flow
Priority remark to port or self-defined flow and provide 802.1P, DSCP priority and Remark
CAR(Committed Access Rate)、Traffic Shaping and flow statistics
Packet mirror and redirection of interface and self-defined flow
Super queue scheduler based on port and self-defined flow. Each port/ flow supports 8 priority queues and scheduler of SP, WRR and SP+WRR.
Congestion avoid mechanism,including Tail-Drop and WRED
IGMPv1/v2/v3 Snooping
IGMP Filter
MVR and cross VLAN multicast copy
IGMP Fast leave
IGMP Proxy
MLDv2/MLDv2 Snooping
ReliabilityLoop protectionEAPS and GERP (recover-time <50ms)
Link protectionFlexLink (recover-time <50ms)
RSTP/MSTP (recover-time <1s)
LACP (recover-time <10ms)
Device protectionVRRP host backup
Double fault-tolerant backup of host program and configuration file
1+1 power hot backup
MaintenanceNetwork maintenanceTelnet-based statistics
RFC3176 sFlow
802.3ah Ethernet OAM
RFC 3164 BSD syslog Protocol
Ping and Traceroute
Device managementCommand-line interface(CLI), Console, Telnet and WEB configuration
System configuration with SNMPv1/v2/v3
RMON (Remote Monitoring)1/2/3/9 groups of MIB
NTP(Network Time Protocol)
GN.Link Server
NGBNView network management
WEB-based network management
Ping and Traceroute



Temel Özellikleri


  • CAR, temel ve esnek QinQ
  • Port bazlı trafik monitoring
  • Çift yönlü band genişliği kontrolü
  • RP (Routing Policy) ve PBR(Policy-Based-Routing)
  • L2-L7 ACL akış sınıflandırma ve filtreleme
  • Gelişmiş QoS
  • Kaynak/hedef MAC adresi, VLAN, 802.1p, ToS, DiffServ, kaynak/hedef IP(IPv4/IPv6) adresi, TCP/UDP port numarası, protokol tipi gibi parametrelere bağlı akış sınıflandırma.
  • BFD, FlexLink, vb.
  • DHCP snooping ,IP source Guard, 802.1X
  • Anti-DOS attack (ARP, Synflood, Smurf, ICMP attack)
  • Donanım tabanlı packet-by-packet iletim mekanizması.
  • VRRP/GERP/MSTP/smartlink
  • Power Supply modül yedekliliği
  • 1+1 ana kontrol switch board yedekliliği
  • Konfigürasyon dosyası yedekleme
  • Global operatör ağlarında geniş ölçekli uygulama alanına sahip olan NGBN sistemi
  • RMON (Remote Monitoring MIB1/2/3/9 )
  • Komut satırı (CLI), konsol port, Telnet ve WEB ile yönetilebilir


Yığınlanabilir Aggregation Switch Layer 3 CLR-S9300-xx Serisi


Stackable Omurga Toplama Anahtar


CLR-S9300-xx Serisi stackable aggregation Omurga Switchler, 19" rack-mount montajlı, yönetilebilir (managed), yığınlanabilir, Layer3 (Layer3 IP adresine routing yapabilen), ethernet merkez ağ anahtarlarıdır.

Aggregation Core Switch

Layer3 Routing protokollerini destekler

Modeline göre değişen şekilde, 24/48*10G SFP+  ve 2/4*40G QSFP fiber arayüzlerine sahiptir.

Üzerinde bulunan 10G SFP+ ( 10GBase-SR/LR/ER/ZR) ve 40G QSFP (40GBase-SR4/LR4/ER4/ZR4) yuvaları sayesinde ara toplama veya toplama anahtar olarak konumlandırılırlar.

Data center sunucu erişim uygulamaları için idealdir.

Sökülüp takılabilen, yedekli çalışan güç üniteleri bulunur (pluggable power redundancy)

L2/L3 wire-speed iletimi destekler.


CLR-S9300-xx Serisi anahtarlar, esnek yığınlama işlevine sahiptir. Bu sayede birden fazla sayıda switch, sanal olarak tek bir switch gibi kullanılabilir. Port ve anahtarlama kapasitesi artmış, tekli yönetimi kolaylaşmış olur. Upgrade ve maintenance bakım işlemleri kolaylıkla yapılabilir.


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Doğrulama Kodu
  • Görünüm: 3111
  • Ürün Kodu: CLR-S9300-xx
  • Stok Durumu: İletişime Geçiniz

Etiketler: yönetilebilir, jumbo frame, omurga switch, 10G ethernet