AFL FS200 FlexScan OTDR SM 1310/1550nm

İletişime Geçiniz AFL FS200 FlexScan OTDR SM 1310/1550nm


Teknik katalogAFL FS200 OTDR teknik kataloğu için tıklayın


AFL FS200 SM 1310/1550nm FlexScan OTDR'ı aşağıdaki sipariş numaraları ile sipariş edebilirsiniz.




Ürün Kodu



AFL FS200 FlexScan OTDR SM 1310/1550nm [( No Source, Power Meter, or Bluetooth/WiFi (FS200-50/60/100 only)]


AFL FS200 FlexScan OTDR SM 1310/1550nm [No Source or Power Meter; Includes Bluetooth/WiFi (FS200-300/304 only)]


AFL FS200 FlexScan OTDR SM 1310/1550nm [Includes Source, Power Meter, Bluetooth/WiFi (all models)]


AFL FS200 FlexScan OTDR SM 1310/1550nm [Includes Source, Power Meter, Bluetooth/WiFi, Pt-to-Pt & PON Verification & Troubleshooting OTDR]






FS200 # FlexScan OTDR with SmartAuto™ and LinkMap SM, point-to-point & PON Fiber Optik Kablo Test ve Analizi


AFL Noyes Fiber Optik OTDR - Fiber Kablo Analizörü , Singlemode


Teknik Özellikler

  • Fast, accurate OTDR network characterization or fault location
  • Easy to understand LinkMap results with pass/fail indications
  • 1310/1550 nm versions for complete network characterization
  • 1550 nm versions for cost-effective troubleshooting
  • Integrated VFL (visual fault locator) 
  • Compatible with FOCIS Flex connector inspection system
  • Rugged, lightweight, hand-held for field use
  • Large, bright touchscreen display easily viewed indoors and out



  • Integrated Source, Power Meter 
  • Internal / external data storage via USB, Bluetooth, or WiFi
  • Bluetooth and WiFi communications
  • 1310/1550 nm PON OTDR (in- or out-of-service testing)
  • Test up to 1:64 PON with 20 m PON dead zone
Model Bilgileri
Ürün KoduFS200-100-BAS-P0-W0
Dosya Adı
FS200 Katalogİndir

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Doğrulama Kodu
  • Görünüm: 4001
  • Ürün Kodu: FS200
  • Stok Durumu: İletişime Geçiniz

Etiketler: OTDR, Fiber Test Cihazı, OTDR Test Cihazı, Fiber Optik Kablo Test Cihazı, OTDR Testi, Kablo Arıza Tespit Cihazı, Fiber Optik Kablo Bulucu, OTDR cihazı kullanımı, Fiber Optik OTDR, Single Mode OTDR, Flexscan otdr, FlexScan FS200 OTDR